gosh. i just got back from learning chem from sean. and i met cherie there as well. and she was mad i tell you! mad! i fear cherie for she may make me mad as well! and she kept making sean choke on his food. hahhas. damn funny.
thanks for trying to teach me chem! you rock! hahas. but no playing with my knife next time and trying to do stupid things in the middle of macs and wasting my laptop battery instead of teaching me properly. and not sharing you food. i don't believe in that. and chatting with my friends and scolding my cousin. tsk tsk! so bloody mean. and sorry for writing all over your book! but you didn't give me enough time to write nice stuff in your book! humph. next time alright? i'll write a whole paragraph of nice stuff in your book alright?
and study please! tsk tsk! your exams are coming soon!so you better study and get good results like we talked about last night. get 6 points. and i'll treat you to lunch. anything you want. buffet or something. ANYTHING! you hear me? 6 points and below. if my loser drunk friend can do it. so can you! yes yes you can! if you need help. in math or something. i can help. and no slacking in tuition! and do you best! thats all i ask of you. just do you best alright?
and sher! we were talking about bringing you to the prayer meet. cause we both(larris and myself) think its damn cool. a healing process for you and me i guess. Lord knows we need it. so try to come alright. its on fridays. at 8. at Catholic Sprituality Centre.
larris better be proud of me. cause i'm promoting for you as well! so where's my treat? hmmm? i'm demanding for it now! now now now!
let me watch my cartoons in peace.
and hope that i won't go to sleep.
goodbye world.
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